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$35 per Month 17 years old and under
$50 per Month 18 years old and over
$5 per Day also available
Must submit a waiver to keep on file
Sparring available when Authorized Trainer is present
Gym open to Males & Females (from Ages 10-Adult)
Lockers are available for Members
Dues must be paid by the 1st of the month and not later than the 3rd of the month
Keep Gym clean: all clothes and debris
No cursing or use of profanity
No cell phone use on while in gym
No eating gum, candy etc. in gym
No company in the gym
No playing in the gym or yelling in the gym
Respect your Trainer and Director
Daily workout is $ 5.00 per day
If you steal you will be kicked out of the gym
No boots in ring
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